I believe that by growing tomatoes and other fruits and veg we can help provide healthier food for both our families and the food pantry folks. So last year we started a small 3 raised bed garden plot in the back of the new parking lot at church.
Here are some ideas to expand this year and plan for the future.
1. We start soon hauling in compost and make more areas ready to plant.
2. We begin to share about the garden and plans to get more folks involved both at the church and at their own home gardens. Especially looking for folks who like gardening and can help us raise seedlings--both veg and flowers for the church grounds to save money.
3. Then we begin giving folks seedlings to plant at home, and encourage them to plant more as they can.
4. We raise funds for berry bushes, fruit trees and garden plants.
5. We could open this up to the greater community to help provide them with seedlings to feel connected with our food pantry and those who utilize it. Possibly at the Easter egg hunt to give out seeds or seedlings.
let me know what you think!
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