Garden O’ Feedin'
The garden vision was started by a couple who saw a way to supplement the Pantry and Feeding God’s Children Ministries. That first year the garden produced $300 worth of veggies, which was enough to help supplement the Pantry with fresh tomatoes and peppers from August to October. Starting with only 4-6 raised beds the garden has grown every year to its current state of 12 garden boxes, 23 raised beds and 6 large mounds and a 4 row field. This is about 1/3 acre which last year produced 20,775.5 pounds of food. It is in production from May through November. The food produced was used to feed 1300 families in the Boise area for a total of 4108 total family members. This was no small task for 115 dedicated volunteers who harvest the night before the Pantry is open. The food is not sold but given in love to those that need it. We are also able to share produce with the Good Samaritan Home. The sight of fresh produce makes them smile as they remember their family gardens.
This year will be an awesome year at the garden. We have added another 1/3 acre with room for flowers as well. A new Greenhouse will also be put in to use here shortly. The sooner plants can be put in the garden the sooner we can start feeding people. Junior Master Gardner Classes will also be offered this year.
Volunteers are always