Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Coupon mom originator to speak

Default Free Coupon Mom Seminar in Atlanta Area Feb. 7th

Hickory Flat United Methodist Church in Canton, GA (a northern suburb of Atlanta) is hosting a free Coupon Mom Seminar on Saturday, February 7th from 10 to noon. They are graciously providing free coffee and donuts, we'll have a drawing to give away prizes (coupon organizers, restaurant gift certificates, books, etc.) and I'll get to meet members in person!

Although the seminar is free, attendees are required to sign up online at the church's website. Space is limited. You can get details and sign up here. Just look for Feb. 7th on the calendar

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Supermarket Secrets

on John Tesh's radio program today. Click here for more information.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Plant those seeds now!

See the cool website at wintersown.org to see photos and get info on howyou can start your plants NOW outside in milk jugs an plastic containers. you can also exchange seeds and get free ones from others.

The plants will grow stronger and earlier from being outside, even in freezing temps. If you are not into starting plants and watching over them, bring your plastic jugs and plastic covered containers from restaurants, food etc. to church and we'll plant them for you!

We hope to have a great garden area around the new parking lot this summer, for fresh vegetables for the food pantry. We will be needing help with some of it to get set up so watch for details!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Request from Publix

Manager at the Kennesaw Publix at Jiles asked if we would please take a black marker and strike down through somewhere in the upc code of items so they would not be returned for cash. He got a report that a man named Jerry C. was doing this and bragging about how much money he got from Publix. That's not our intent, I know. Mike Chester said if we run a line down vertically in the upc codes that will not let it scan for refunds. I think this is a terrible misuse of our time, effort and money to give money for beer, etc. I'd like all other food pantries to know this too.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Prayer Requests

Two food pantry "regulars" have medical issues that we can be praying about.

Sat 1/3 David M. was in the hospital. At the time the doctors weren't sure if he had had a seizure or other problem. David takes oxygen on a continual basis. His son came to pick up food for him on Saturday. Please pray for David and his family.

Friday 1/16 Toby P. AKA "Number 1" is scheduled for surgery. Please pray that God would calm his fears and send him angels to watch over him. Toby has some additional health issues that may make surgery risky. Pray for God's peace and the love and support of those around him.